Products >> MACHINE
CRISTAL Chlorine
Function: Analysis in Chlorine / Soda production plants : a panel of solutions for continuous control on chemical & petrochemical industrial processes.
- Brines & other process fluids,
- Liquid chemical effluents & tail-gas exhaust treatment towers.
- Examples of measurements that are being adapted on the CRISTAL analyser :
- Ca+Mg in brine
- Ca+Mg traces in brine
- NaOH / Na2CO3 in brine
- SO4 in brine
- NH4+ in brine
- NaOH / Na2CO3 in a sodium hypochlorite / soda medium
- Chlorides traces in a soda solution
- The PRODUCTS > WATER > Cristal page and the relevant brochure to view the main technical specifications of the CRISTAL range of analysers.
- The CRISTAL Chlorine / Soda leaflet on the present page